In Part 2, I cover the speech itself, line by line, why it’s remarkable all by itself and why its legacy is even more so. It is hard to understate the impact of Lincoln himself and this speech in particular on how America still remembers the war and why it was fought.

Check out this episode!

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For Further Awesome Reading…

Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America

A definitive modern breakdown of the circumstances of the speech, the rhetorical history that inspired it, the location of the speech on the battlefield, and (of course) an analysis of the text.

Many of us in America know a few phrases of it here and there because we all had to read it in
high school. We know it was a good speech, totally reaffirming freedom while honoring war dead, yadda
yadda. But lost in the cliches is how significant it was that Lincoln was able to make such a speech at
such a time, and make it stick. He had a LOT riding against people even taking the speech seriously, let
alone holding it up later as an example of everything America stands for. In part 1, I explain why.

Check out this episode!

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For Further Awesome Reading…

Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America

A definitive modern breakdown of the circumstances of the speech, the rhetorical history that inspired it, the location of the speech on the battlefield, and (of course) an analysis of the text.